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If you've landed on this page, chances are you are looking for a change. Let us answer your questions and get started on your goals.


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We provide a FREE trial class. No matter what fitness level, our coaches will meet you where you’re at and make you feel at home! Most importantly, you’ll be introduced to the Four Rivers culture.


Start CrossFit 101

After the initial, free trial class, you'll start the CF101 program. Our CF101 Program is 3 ONE hour training sessions set up at your convenience AND a CF class along side a coach, once these sessions are completed.

The cost for CF101 is $100. Over the course of the CF101 program the 9 foundational CrossFit movements will be covered, as well as a number of other standard movements. Emphasis will be placed on correct and safe movement patterns and scaling options.

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Already Experienced?

If you're already experienced and either seeking to find a new gym or just interested in dropping in for a class, we offer free trials and drop-ins for those exact situations.

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Tips For New CrossFitters

Stepping into a CrossFit gym for the first time can be a bit overwhelming and possibly intimidating. You might see a few things that you’re not use to seeing at your local gym. The music may be loud, people are grunting, sweating, weights dropping, and people flopping on the ground after just 10 minutes of working out. It can be a lot to take in at first glance, especially if you’ve had limited exposure to CrossFit prior to stepping into a box. The following are some helpful TIPS to keep in mind as you begin your CrossFit journey.

  • You're Competing Against Yourself Not Others

    When completing a WOD (Workout of the Day), don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d (as prescribed) or be able to complete 20 rounds of Cindy right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts. Start light, get your form down. Technique FIRST, VOLUME AND INTENSITY, SECOND.

  • Don't Be Too Proud to Scale

    You have to know your own body and its limits. Scaling is a part of how we progress to new levels in CrossFit. When you first start CrossFit, it is important to remember that if the person next to you is lifting heavy weights, it doesn’t mean that you're ready to. Most importantly, there’s no substitute for common sense and you might be putting yourself at risk of injury. Scaling a WOD is how we progress.

  • What You Eat is More Important Than What You Lift

    Nutrition is the key to every aspect of your life. It affects energy levels, recovery, and overall defense against disease. To quote the late Jack Lalanne, “You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out". The quality of your food is far more important than the quantity. Call it whatever you want - Paleo, Primal, Hunter/Gatherer - simply eat clean. If you’re eating as clean, you don’t even need to worry about the quantity. You are a Ferrari. You wouldn’t put regular unleaded fuel in a Ferrari, would you?

  • Don't Be Afriaid to Ask for Clarification Over and Over and over Again

    It’s your time, money, and most importantly, health. If you don’t fully understand something, ask. If you still don’t get it, ask again. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you don’t fully grasp the concept, or you think others in the class will get frustrated with you for taking up too much time. We were all newbies at one point. We’ve all been there. Learning the mechanics of certain movements like the kip, squat, deadlift, or any of the Olympic lifts takes lots of practice and critique from a trained eye. If you need help, just ask.

  • It Doesn't Get Easier It Just Sucks Less

    Sorry, but it’s true. And yes, we keep coming back for more. You get stronger, build a greater aerobic capacity, and become mentally tough. All of these aspects, combined with experience, allow you to know when to push yourself and when to back off, so that you can attack each workout to the best of your ability.

  • You Won't PR Every Day

    Don’t mistake intensity for hard work. Even if you’re having a bad day and the intensity just isn’t there, you can still get a lot out of your time in the gym through hard work. Intensity and hard work are not the same thing. Don’t skip a planned session just because you don’t think you’re going to kill it and leave everything out on the table. Not feeling too strong that day? That’s fine. Scale the weights, rounds, or time back. Something is better than nothing.

  • Have Fun

    This is the key component of CrossFit. We have fun (TOGETHER). Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energy is contagious.

  • Firebreathers????

    Firebreather –Fie-r-bre’-th-er:

        (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit.

            2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

    You don’t have to be an “elite” CrossFitter to embody the essence of a true FIREBREATHER. It’s not your Fran time, it’s the spirit you bring to Fran that makes you a FIREBREATHER. Don’t forget that!!

Crossfit is more than just a great workout

Come for the fitness. Stay for the community.

Magic happens everyday at 4RCF

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