Charlie Odom


Charlie Odom



CF-L1 & CF-L2

AED Certified

First Aid/CPR Certified

Charlie Odom is a CrossFit Level 1 Instructor. He started CrossFit in December 2017 as a way to lose a few stubborn pounds. Charlie quickly fell in love with the constantly changing workouts and the fellowship that surrounded the athletes every day. He enjoys watching others gain this same excitement to show up and sweat with their fitness friends.


With a childlike sense of humor, he rarely takes himself or the challenges of the day too seriously. He’s always willing to spend the extra time with an athlete that wants to master a new skill or lift. Helping others achieve success with new movements, from pull-ups to muscle-ups, puts a smile on his face. He may also have an addiction to new gear, primarily shoes.


Favorite CrossFit Movement? Handstand walks

Least Favorite WOD? Fran

Don't Let the Clock Run Out

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